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I am so happy to be back online! If you are a loyal Summer Wind reader, then you know me missing Thursday and Friday's posts last week was kind of crazy for me!

I pride myself on consistent posting here on Summer Wind. There are few things to throw me off my schedule. In the past (almost) 10 years of blogging, it has been such a rarity for me to miss a post let alone TWO in a row!

Well, I got really sick. Really really sick. Last Monday I started to feel off and ended up taking a nap in the late afternoon. It was all downhill from there. I got hit with the flu and holy cow, I have never been so sick in my entire life. At one point, I literally asked my dad if I was going to die. I'm dramatic, but I honestly felt the worst I've ever felt.

It wasn't really until Christmas Eve that I started to feel myself. Christmas day was the first 'real' meal I had eaten in 8 days. I still have a cold and am still trying to shake that 'weak' feeling but honestly, I feel great compared to last week!

Moral of the story: go get a flu shot!! This flu is SO bad and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

In other news, we had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas! Christmas Eve is always my favorite night. My parents host a huge party with family and friends and we have so many great traditions.

This week I am going to take it easy. But, I'm also going to catch up with some friends. I also have so much cleaning to do because we have friends coming to visit for the weekend and New Year's Eve holiday. It will be so much fun.

Tomorrow, my sister, cousin and I are going to get our nails done. I missed my appointment last week and have been stuck with an old dip manicure- if you could see my nails you would gasp- they look SO bad. They're so grown out, I've been so embarrassed!!

Then tomorrow night we are going to one of my favorite bars in Pittsburgh, Monterey Bay. They have the most gorgeous view overlooking the city! The out-of-town guests arrive on Saturday morning and I have a full itinerary of Pittsburgh-fun for everyone! I'm so excited to finally be social. It really stunk having to miss the symphony and the country club ball, so I'm looking forward to all of the fun ahead!

Wearing: This blouse was such a splurge but I just love it. It's so classic but the scallops make it more fun and girly.

Sale-ing: I shared some of the best after Christmas sales, here. I also shared my favorites from the Net-A-Porter sale, too!

 Do you have any shows or movies that you recommend? I have been show-less for too long!! 

Listening: My top songs of 2019. Always such an eclectic mix! 
Loving: I just love this plaid dress! I wore it on Christmas Eve and before while in NYC! Right now it is on sale and you get an extra 30% off with code WHALE18.

Wanting: Nothing- but I'm so ready to look at some non-festive clothes/ accessories! Ready to ditch the red and start fresh in 2019! 

Pittsburgh-ing: This weekend, we are doing all-you-can-bowl at Arsenal Lanes in Lawrenceville. I haven't been in years and am so excited. If you have never done it, it's from 9pm-12am and you can bowl as many games as you want. There is a 6-person max per lane but you can book multiple lanes. It's like a nightclub inside, though, with a great bar and fun music! 

Smelling: These holiday pine candles and hearth candles smell SO good. They smell like Nest candles and right now are on sale for just $17. This is usually when I will stock up on holiday candles so I can get them discounted for next year! I usually never pay full price. 

Quoting: 'Risk is the downpayment on success.' // See more of my favorites, here. 

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