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Macy Gray Writes. Is Stil Alive.

 Macy Gray is a mediocre has been that had a hit song called "I Try", 21 years ago, and then mostly vanished off the face of the Earth. At least as far as I know. Realizing she's probably doomed to "intimate" gigs in rooms with a legal capacity of 200 people or less, instead of recording more music people want to hear, or retiring to a farm somewhere  she decided that America needs a new flag because of what the voices in her head told her. So she penned an op-ed for some liberal rag of a newspaper, and like a 12 year old, sat down and drew a new flag for everyone to see and put up on their refrigerator...

'Like the Confederate, it is tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect,' Gray wrote of the flag. 'It no longer represents democracy and freedom. It no longer represents ALL of us. It’s not fair to be forced to honor it. It’s time for a new flag.' 

Gray put together a proposal for that new flag, with off-white stripes, '52 stars to include D.C. and Puerto Rico,' and stars 'the colors of ALL of us — your skin tone and mine — like the melanin scale.'

 Her little ploy worked because everybody is (on certain parts of the internet) talking about her today. Unfortunately for her, this little exercise has a shelf life of about 7 minutes in this day and age, and she'll either have to come up with something more SHOCKING or go back to her relative obscurity.  So good luck with all of that. Only knuckleheads and dimwits are paying attention to this or getting mad about it. At this point she's only very slightly more famous than you or me. If that.

By the way, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. aren't states. That's why they aren't represented on the flag you moron. 

And I'm not sure how, but Macy Gray apparently has a personal net worth of around $23 million dollars. Do you have $23 million dollars? Because I sure don't. So I don't know who's been oppressing her because of the color of her skin, but I'd sure like some of that oppression. I need to have a lot of plastic surgery reversed and that stuff ain't free.

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