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Review: Makeup Revolution Run Boy Run eyeshadow palette

Hey Beauties!

I finally came around to editing all of my photos of this gorgeous eyeshadow palette. I got it a few weeks ago from Slovenian online store licila.si. Thank you :). I have to say, I really really like this palette. Now let's see why this palette is so gorgeous.

The Run Boy Run palette includes 18 eyeshadow shades. It comes in a sleek shiny packaging, which can get really dirty and it's hard to take photos of. In the palette you get this eyeshadow applicator, which I never use and it also has a big mirror - very practical for traveling. The palette is pretty sturdy and I love the gold writing on it. Looks really nice. 

It costs around 9€ in Slovenia (now it's only 7€) and 6£ on their official site. I think it's a really affordable price for how many shadows you get. The palette contains 13 grams of product.

In the palette are 18 eyeshadows, of which there are 12 shimmer shades and 6 matte shades. I love the names of them, although they could be shorter, but it's better than Shade 1 and such.

I will describe the shades in a clockwise direction.

Trying to Catch You: light pinkish white with very small shimmer
Running Is Victory: pinkish nude shade with a pearl finish and shimmer
World Is Not Meant For You: taupe silver with shimmer
Hide Behind Me: bronzy brown with shimmer (with orange undertone)

Sun Will Be Guiding You: chocolate brown with shimmer
Day Is A Prophesy: gold brown with shimmer (yellow toned)
Dying To Stop You: baby pink with big white shimmer
Brake Out From Society: cranberry orange with pink sheen and shimmer

Another Day: orange based dark brown with shimmer
It's Time To Run: silvery blue with shimmer
Don't Have To Hide Away: orange gold with bigger shimmer
You Will Be My Boy: purple based dark brown with red/orange shimmer

Follow Me: white matte with pink undertone
Head To The Hills: very light warm brown matte
Run Boy Run: light warm brown matte

Girl On Fire: dirty pink matte with lavender undertone
You Are Finally Mine: greyish brown matte
Head Start: black matte

The shimmery shades are absolutely gorgeous. They apply like a dream as well as blend. I find that they are really nicely pigmented. The color range is amazing and would appeal to a lot of people. Matte shades are like in any palette, a lot less pigmented. I actually am not a big fan of matte shades, but I know a lot of people are. So I personally don't mind the lack of pigmentation and I love using those as a brow bone highlight or in the crease. I am also very happy that the palette includes matte black, because I love to use it in place of an eyeliner. I don't find there to be a lot of fallout with the shades, but there is some. 

The shade range is just amazing and my favorite shades are Hide Behind Me, Day Is A Prophesy, Don't Have To Hide Away and You Will Be My Boy. Here I'll also be posting some of the looks I made using the palette, so you can see the shades better in combination with others.

Here I used Don't Have To Hide Away all over the lid and around the lower lash line. In the outer corner I used Day Is A Prophesy. In the inner corner is Running Is Victory and as an eyeliner I used Head Start.

On the center of the lid is Break Out From Society. In the inner part of the lid is Dying To Stop You and on the outer part of the lid is You Will Be My Boy. In the crease is Run Boy Run as well as around the lower lash line. 

Here are the mattes shades, which photography really badly, but are actually a bit stronger in real life. Girl On Fire all over the lid. Run Boy Run in the crease and lower lash line. You Are Finally Mine in the outer v. Follow me in the inner corner of the eye and Head Starts as an eyeliner.

Here I used Hide Behind Me all over the lid and on the lower lash line. On the outer v I put Another Day. I the inner corner I used Running Is Victory.

My final thoughts are that I absolutely love the shades in this palette and will recommend it to anyone who wants a variety of gorgeous shades for a very reasonable price. I think this is probably my favorite palette, so thank you Ličila for choosing this gorgeous palette for me. I highly recommend it.

What are your favorite shades from this palette?

Sledi še kratek povzetek za vse slovenske bralke. Paleta Run Boy Run vsebuje 18 senčil, od tega je 12 svetlikajočih in 6 mat. Senčila so zelo lepih odtenkov. Nanašajo se z lahkoto in zelo lepo zabrisujejo. Svetljikajoča senčila so zelo dobro pigmentirana, mat pa so slabše pigmentacije, predvsem svetli odtenki. Če želiti kupiti paleto zaradi mat odtenkov, ne priporočam. So pa svetljikajoči odtenki odlični in sama imam take najraje. V Sloveniji lahko kupite paleto na Ličila.si in stane okrog 9 € (zdaj je v akciji in je okrog 7 €). Embalaža palete je dokaj trdna in svetlikajoče črna. Všeč mi je tudi zlat napis. Vsekakor paleto priporočam vsem, ki so jim všeč odtenki in ki si žečijo velik izbor senčil za zelo primerno ceno. Ličila.si še enkrat hvala za paletko in hvala za super izbiro paletke, ker se mi zdi, da je to moja najljubša od vseh novih Makeup Revolution paletk. :)

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