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Girls Just Want To Wear Pants, Sometimes Leggings - HuffPost

Posted: 30 Mar 2019 03:45 AM PDT

It's been quite a week for girls and their pants.

On Thursday, the girls at Charter Day School in North Carolina were delighted to learn that they can finally wear pants or shorts to school. A federal district judge ruled that their publicly funded K-8 charter school's dress code, which prohibits girls from wearing pants or shorts as part of its standard uniform, was unconstitutional, in violation of the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.

The dress code kept girls from playing freely at recess, required them to sit in uncomfortable positions and overly focus on how they were sitting, ultimately distracting them from learning, the judge ruled. Girls were also colder in the winter.

The dress code for boys was not limiting in any of those ways, he said. "The skirts requirement causes the girls to suffer a burden the boys do not, simply because they are female," Judge Malcolm Howard wrote in his ruling.

"This type of policing of girls' femininity and appearance is so ingrained and accepted from such an early age," said Galen Sherwin, a senior staff attorney at the ACLU's Women's Rights Project and lead counsel in then case. "It really does send a message that girls' education is less important than boys', and their comfort is less important."

In related pants news earlier this week, the Notre Dame University student paper published a letter to the editor in which a self-identified Catholic mother of four sons begged female Notre Dame students to stop exposing themselves to their male counterparts by wearing leggings.

"Leggings are so naked, so form fitting, so exposing," wrote mom Maryann White. "Could you think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead?"

The letter went viral, sparking a campus protest and probably ringing up a few extra sales at Lululemon.

There's a clear connection between the dress code of young girls at a small-town school and the protests of a well-intentioned mother in the Midwest: the idea that girls' sartorial choices must be policed, not for the girls' sake but for the boys.

The messaging starts young, with policies like Charter Day's. In court, the school tried to argue that its dress code promoted mutual respect between girls and boys, and reflected its commitment to traditional values.

The judge said the school offered no evidence to back up either claim, noting that women have been wearing pants in professional and other settings for decades.

The ruling in North Carolina came four years after the suit was first filed by three unnamed girls, who went to the school, and their mothers.

Charter Day's lawyers did not immediately respond to a question about whether they would appeal.

"For the past eight years I've been putting up with this [dress code] and I'm very glad it's over now," the 13-year-old daughter of plaintiff Erika Booth, identified only as I.B. in the lawsuit, told HuffPost. She said her friends were equally excited.

She recalled crying in the morning on her first day of kindergarten, when her mom told she'd have to wear a skirt.

Indeed, it seems the ruling has done more to foster self-respect among the girls at Charter Day than any dress code.

"I think this is incredibly empowering," Booth said.  

There's a snake in his, er, pants? - rocketcitynow.com

Posted: 29 Mar 2019 08:18 PM PDT

A man stole a four foot python from a pet store by stuffing it down his pants, and it was all caught on security tapes!

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Lawsuit rules banning pants for female students is unconstitutional - WILX-TV

Posted: 30 Mar 2019 05:48 AM PDT

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Girls were forced to wear skirts at school to ‘preserve chivalry.’ So they sued - and won. - The Washington Post

Posted: 30 Mar 2019 01:37 PM PDT


Every so often, Charter Day School in North Carolina would hold fire or tornado drills in which students had to kneel and protect their heads from flying debris, or crawl on the ground to avoid imaginary smoke.

But girls had a much more immediate threat to fear: the boys.

"I don't think the boys were supposed to be looking up our skirts, but they did," former student Keely Burks said in a statement to a North Carolina court. "I wished I was wearing pants or shorts during those drills."

She was prohibited by the school's uniform policy.

This week, a judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina ruled that the policy toward girls' clothing was unconstitutional, the culmination of a court fight that began in 2016 between three girls and the Leland, N.C., school's administrators.

In his ruling, Judge Malcolm Howard said that the policy at the public charter school violated the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution because girls were treated differently than boys. Girls at the school, which serves kindergarten through eighth grade, could wear only skirts, jumpers or skorts (a skirt with shorts underneath) as part of their uniforms, with an exception for physical education classes.

Baker Mitchell, founder of the Roger Bacon Academy, which runs Charter Day School, told The Washington Post in a statement that "the Charter Day School Board is analyzing the opinion and will be meeting with counsel in the very near future to discuss their options moving forward."

Before the lawsuit, the policy had been controversial among some parents and students. Some students had circulated a petition that they say gathered over 100 signatures, only to have it confiscated, Burks wrote on the ACLU's blog in 2016.

Parent Bonnie Peltier was attending an orientation for CDS in 2015 when she learned that the girls' uniform rules required them to wear skirts, jumpers or skorts. She asked Mitchell about it.

Mitchell explained in an email that the dress code, along with other policies, were meant to "preserve chivalry and respect among young women and men." He cited societal concerns such as "teen pregnancies" and "casual sex" for the need to create a learning environment that "embodied traditional values."

Frustrated with the policy, Peltier contacted the American Civil Liberties Union, which helped her and two other plaintiffs file a lawsuit in March 2016.

"We're having to tell our daughters, even though this is what they're teaching you, this is not the way the world works anymore," Peltier told HuffPost last year.

According to the decision, the skirt requirement forced girls to "pay constant attention to the positioning of their legs during class, distracting them from learning, and has led them to avoid certain activities altogether, such as climbing or playing sports during recess, all for fear of exposing their undergarments and being reprimanded by teachers or teased by boys."

The school had defended its policy, saying it was based on "traditional values" and "is in place to instill discipline and keep order," Howard summarized in his decision. "They argue that taking away the 'visual cues' of the skirts requirement would hinder respect between the two sexes."

Howard did not find that argument persuasive. "Defendants have shown no connection between these stated goals and the requirement that girls wear skirts," he wrote.

ACLU attorney Galen Sherwin said in a statement, "This policy reflected antiquated gender stereotypes, intentionally sending the message that girls are not equal to boys.

She told The Post on Saturday that two of the plaintiffs no longer attend Charter Day but that all the young women "are very happy that other girls will have the opportunity to do that during our time at school."

Erika Booth, a plaintiff in the case, told The Post that her daughter had disliked the policy because "in her daily life, when she is not at school, she never wears a skirt or a dress, ever. It is just against what she would do."

Now a seventh-grader at the school, Booth's daughter said she is eager for a new uniform policy to take effect.

"You can really do more in pants than you can in skirts," she said. "I'm just so happy."

Fred Barbash contributed to this report.

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